在第192集分享過了道歉的方式 。今天希望跟大家分享如何在工作的場合有效地接受 apology 表示原諒。


It’s no big deal. Let’s move on.

Thanks, I forgive you.

認同對方的 apology

What you did really hurt me, but it means a lot that you said sorry. Thank you.

I appreciate your apology. That means a lot to me.


Hey, I appreciate it. I'm still a bit mad about what happened, but I'll get over it.

Thanks for apologizing. It’s going to be a while before I feel better about things, but that helps.


Next time you're upset with me, please say how you feel instead of yelling.

I get that you were frustrated because I was taking too long, and I’ll try to be better about that. But in the future, just check in with me instead of leaving without me.

We’re good. Just don’t do it again, please.

Writing a Forgiveness Letter - Ten Percent Happier