在線上與客戶交流建立感情不容易。但由於疫情也讓線上的交流成為一個主流。如何處理客戶的難題, 以及讓客戶信任是任何客戶服務的目標。今天的節目邀請到Keegan, 是位客戶成功經理。希望透過今天的單元讓大家更了解線上的溝通與心態。


Keegan: Yeah, absolutely. You know, first of all, thank you guys for bringing me on to the podcast. Super, super excited to be here.

A little bit more about me, so I'm Keegan. I'm an onboarding manager at Affinity. As Andrew mentioned, we're a relationship intelligence platform, sort of integrating with your email and calendar information designed to help private [00:05:00] capital companies like venture capital, investment banking, growth, equity firms like that to get the most out of their relationships and provide insights into those relationships.

我是Keegan, 目前在Affinity 擔任 Onboarding manager. Affinity 是客戶關係管理平台,主要結合email和行事曆,幫助企業有效運用人脈,並加以分析。

I've been at the company for about eight months now, and prior to actually joining the company, I worked at a corporate venture arm of a company called Trend Micro. Was there for about two years, and about half of that time we were actually a customer of Affinity, and so I was, you know, leveraging the platform, sort of fell in love with it and then decided that I wanted to actually join the company.

Prior to that, I also worked a little bit in investment banking and so. Have quite a bit of knowledge about some of our customer base and things like that, which gives me, you know, able to resonate with some of their workflows a lot more.

我上一家公司 Trend Micro其實就是Affinity 的客戶,我會加入Affinity 是因為很喜歡這家公司。在那之前,我也在投資銀行工作過,這個經驗讓我對客戶的工作模式有很深的認識。

Andrew: And Keegan, you're Canadian, right?

Keegan: I am originally Canadian, moved to Dallas, Texas about nine years ago. Primarily moved for school and then also to be closer to some family.

Andrew: And you're also quite young. You're in your early twenties, basically.

Keegan: And so yeah, I'm 25 now as of about two weeks ago.

我是加拿大人,不過後來移居到美國的Dallas, Texas,最近剛滿25歲。

Andrew: And it was impressive that you were basically handling a group of us who were all in our like forties, [00:06:00] shooting tough questions at you.

Sherry: Yeah, so really thank you so much for coming onto our show, and I'm just gonna start with the first question. And Andrew kind of mentioned that because you are a customer success manager, and you definitely deal with a lot of customers from all over the world, from Asia, from Europe, and you mentioned that a lot of your customers are from Europe.

So we're just wondering how are you able to tell specifically when a client that you know is going to be the challenging one? Is there any sign? Tone of voice or their facial expression or manners that you spot, that kind of tells you that you're gonna have to spend a little bit more time convincing them.


Keegan: Yeah, that's a really great question to kick things off here. I think there's a couple of components to that. First and foremost, we work with some incredibly smart people across all these different industries that we work with, and they're all extremely busy, you know, managing deal flow or working with their own clients and things like that. And so finding time to actually sit down and set up a CRM [00:07:00] system can be really challenging, especially depending on who your main point of contact is and, and things like that.


And so, you know, going into that first interaction with that client post sales process, where after signing with us we're that first person that they typically meet with and are ready to get the team going. We have really good plan about how we sort of want to go about things. If there's any missed expectations or, you know, they have a little bit of a different idea of like how they're thinking about getting wrapped up, compared to what the typical process is that can open things up to having to sort of like, you know, reset expectations and drive things forward on that front.