會議的開場一定都要是: Welcome everyone. Thank you for attending the meeting. Let’s go over the agenda for today. 其實, 依狀況不同, 是可以客製你的開場, 展現領導者的魅力。


To drive efficiency 講求效率

I know we all have so much to do so let’s make it quick and finish up the meeting in 15 minutes.

To drive inspiration 提升士氣

I just spoke to a client this morning and she told me again that our product has been a game-changer for the company. This really reminds me that we make fantastic product and we should be so proud of it. I just want to open with that. Now today’s topic is…

I know this quarter has been a bit rough for us. It is true that we hit a few bumps along the way. But what’s also true is that you are the most capable group I have ever had the pleasure to work with. If we push through, amazing things will happen. With that, let’s start out meeting today.

To test the water / To check the temperature in the room 試水溫

Before we start the meeting, let’s check the temperature in the room. Let’s quickly go around and say (type):

1 if you are feeling awesome

2 if you are feeling blah

3 if you need a drink now