今天的單元, 也是這次social style最後一個單元. 讓我們來分享要如何跟熱心助人, 耐心, 善解人意的Amiable來做最有效的溝通.


A. 樂於助人 B. 態度合作 C. 善於交際 D. 忠誠信實 E. 很有耐心 F. 善體人意


How to communicate with Amiable


  1. Let Amiable(s) feel safe to express their thoughts
  1. Make sure to make everyone else feel important


  1. Let them feel safe and free to express
  1. Be aware of the meeting atmosphere
  2. Get feedback from the teams or customers before presenting to an amiable

Small Talk

  1. Being quiet doesn’t mean that amiable have no objections.
    1. Ask questions to confirm