當我們進入了職場後, 會不會感到, 交到好朋友不容易。 其實並不是只有交友, 認識人也變得比較困難. 我們社交時間不多, 但要怎麼在短時間內更了解身邊的人呢?

If there are a group of friends

  1. How long have the two of you been friends?

How adventurous are you?

  1. What's the most remote location you have ever been to?
  2. Are you a city person or a country person?

How do you manage friendship?

  1. Are you still close with your college friends?
  2. Are you still friends with anyone from your hometown?

How to do you manage life?

  1. What do you like to do for fun?
  2. What did you do this past weekend?
  3. How do you de-stress after a tough day?
  4. How do you typically celebrate your birthday and other holidays?
  5. What's something you’d like to learn?