你知道做簡報opening前還有一個蠻重要而常被忽略的動作,也就是 setting the tone. 來聽聽到底要如何運用語言跟語氣來設計你要的簡報氣氛。

Casual 專業但是不要太拘謹

Before I begin, I would just want to thank you guys for taking your time to join this meeting. Feel free to stop me any time during my presentation if you have any questions.

Formal 正式

Thank you all for joining us for our presentation. I will be hosting a Q&A meeting at the end of the presentation, please reserve your questions toward the end.

Friendly and chatty 輕鬆

Hey everyone. I’m so happy that all of you guys are here. I just want to let you know that this is a very casual sharing of what I found in the past few months working here at the company.