上一集我們講到了跟無法溝通的同事溝通。利用D.E.E.P.模式作為做為一個引導。 今天我們就要來繼續這個話題, 但是來討論, 如果對方是我們的主管, 那應該怎麼辦才好的?

Guiding Framework


Don’t Defend 辯護

Don’t Engage 應付

Don’t Explain 解釋

Don’t Personalized 個性化

保護自己 Protect yourself

  1. Figure the long term plan with them 要繼續在這家公司服務嗎?
  2. Get your docs in line (document everything) 留檔!
  3. Get your truth organized, use facts only 使用對方說過的話
    1. You mentioned this “...”
    2. You said this:
  4. Be able to bring the conversation back to your frame 把主題抓回來
    1. “While I understand that, I still think we need to answer...(work on...)
    2. “Let’s focus on the issue at hand...”


How to Work for a Narcissistic Boss