It’s National Compliment Day. That’s right! 今天是國際讚美日,因為我們已在之前的單元分享過類似的內容,所以今天就來個稍微不一樣的。一樣是說好話,但讓我們來學習如何幫對方加油打氣。


How to give praise and encouragement to someone in 2022

  1. Think about someone you’d like to praise or encourage in the office
  2. Write down the qualities you want to praise them for:
    1. Ex. Persistence, determination, self-growth, self-awareness
  3. Use examples of accomplishments or instances where they used these qualities
  4. Offer a compliment & encouragement

Examples of Praise

Sherry, I was just looking at the numbers for our podcast over the last year.

I just wanted to let you know that we couldn’t have gotten this far without your persistence and dedication. Each week you really pushed yourself to create multiple outlines. I know it’s not always glamorous or easy to find inspiration but you made it happen and I want to say thank you.

Carol, I want to thank you for being so flexible this year. Our company has gone through a lot of changes from 2020 till now. It’s been invaluable to have someone who is willing to take on new tasks, especially ones outside of their job description, like you handling administrative work as a designer. It shows your willingness to grow and take on new challenges. I hope you can spread this to other people in the workplace.

Examples of Encouragement

Nick, I know that life seems bleak right now but I just want to let you know that I admire your unconditional faith in life.

MLK once said, “faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

I have watched you taken the step to start something amazing and you continuously encourage others to have faith, including me. I know it is still in you and don’t forget that.