在職場上最基本的一個技能就是能夠說出一個非常專業的 self introduction. But what is a good intro and what is a GREAT intro? 今天就讓我們一起跟同學來學習最生動的self introduction.



Morris' 的原版

Hi, Nice to meet you, My name is Morris.

I work as a junior user interface designer at Able studio for about two years. Our team provides great interaction solutions between people and digital products, such as apps or websites. From personal device like smartphones, pc, to self-checkout machines you can see in supermarkets, people nowadays are surrounded by so many device, and it can get a bit overwhelming when having so many features to learn on the screen. So what we do is to help people get things done at ease by creating aesthetic interface design with curated digital experience.

Thank you for your time.

我們幫助Morris找到他的特質,還有用什麼 Magic word 連貫全文

特質 -

Magic word -

<aside> 💡 Curate



Hi, Nice to meet you, My name is Morris. I work as a junior user interface designer at Able studio for about two years. Able Studios creates curated digital experiences.

What is a curated DE? There are so many devices & digital products that don't feel personal or connected to users. They are just a long list of features and too many buttons. (Grandmother story). Devices and interfaces should feel curated and intuitive. A great UI should only have what you need.

In the company, I help clients structure their ideas so they can offer a curated experience to their audience. Our client's have ton of ideas and they try to put everything on the website or app. This looks messy and is hard to understand. My job is to structure and curate those ideas into a an easy-to-use interface that people enjoy interacting with.