

2 Steps (第一步驟很重要喔)

  1. Be explicit about your style of giving performance and feedback.
  2. Shit sandwich


Bad performance review for someone on your team

Explain the structure

I would like to start off the performance review by giving what you did really well and then move into some feedbacks. I will also end it with something that I hope to see next year. It will help you to have a successful career.

What he/she did well

For the past year, you have stuck to all the deadlines and deliver all the projects on that. That is very challenging especially when we all had to work from home.

The negative feedback

However, you have not responded to emails or phone calls in the timely manner. There were many instances where the team had to wait for a full working day to expect an update from you. This really affects the productivity to the team.

How to improve and connect to the potential positive outcome

I understand that you can deliver all the projects on time but it will really help the team if you can respond to emails as soon as you can. During the working hours, I would say please reply all messages within at least 2 to 3 hours.