有很多人希望成為人脈很廣的人,但人脈廣代表留得住人嗎? 認識對的人應該有如何保持著關係呢? 在今天的單元,讓我們透過一位這方面的達人來了解如何增廣人脈,建立有價值的relationship。


Networking Advice on How to Become Insanely Well-Connected

專家怎麼說: Listen with intention

  1. Shows that you've heard exactly what was said by the other person

  2. Encourage them to continue with the conversation by "backchanneling".

    1. yeah
    2. mm-hmm
    3. totally
  3. End the meeting as if there is another meeting soon.

    Even when you get rejected, still send a follow up email.

  4. Don't Fake it till you make it. Research research research!

    If you know you’re headed into a call or event and want to make a good impression on certain people, create mini dossiers for them. All it takes is a few bullet points:

<aside> 💡 What are the key milestones in their career?


<aside> 💡 What expertise do they seemingly love to provide? (Possible to suss out from any articles that quote them or talks they’ve given in the past.)


<aside> 💡 Are there any recent news stories or announcements about them?


<aside> 💡 What do you want to ask them or get out of the interaction if you get the chance?
