如果你主持過會議甚至是較大型的簡報,你可能也有"我是不是talk show主持人"的錯覺。要怎麼讓氣氛佳,讓大家都能踴躍參與真是不簡單! 那今天我們就來從一位英國主持人上,學習一些有用的技巧。



  1. Provide drinks 🍷☕️ or food 🍩

  2. Focus on the one person that speaks

  3. Relate one participant to another

    <aside> 💡 He mentioned this ___________ , what do you think?


    <aside> 💡 __________ and __________ both worked on a project, do you have any input for us?


    <aside> 💡 Sharon mentioned you said something really valuable in the last meeting. However, she has a question. Sharon, would you mind asking the question now? I am sure we can all learn from the answer.


    <aside> 💡 John...you and Susan both previously worked on other projects related to Apple. Are there any key learnings we can apply from those project to our next collaboration with Apple?


  4. If you want an answer from someone, give them context. Prepare them.

    <aside> 💡 Last week you talk about plan A and plan B, could you talk more about that?



Graham Norton explains how he deals with tricky guests