很多人在職場溝通中最常犯的錯誤就是不知道聽眾是誰。 那我們今天就來看看幾個大公司是否了解聽眾的心。


Bad Examples

Apple - The most advanced connectivity ever

Screen Shot 2021-11-02 at 12.00.10 PM.png

What about your fans?

Are they talking about the 2021 Macbook Pro or my 2015 Macbook Pro?

Facebook - Meta is about community

We're a company that focuses on connecting people. While most tech companies focus on how people interact with technology, we focus on technology so people can interact with each other.

What about the recent event?

Recent study that hows social media is bad for the teens.

Facebook disputes its own research showing harmful effects of Instagram on teens' mental health

Good Example

Range Rover new model

It's not following fashion, it's not following trends, it's informed by an absolute desire for perfection!