老闆給太多工作忙不過來,不滿意現況...好煩? 這都是每個人一定會碰到的問題!與其永遠當個Yes man讓自己累死,不如學著該如何幫自己設界線,專業地say NO~


Setting boundary

When you are dealing with something uncomfortable and you want to raise your voice. How do you do it?

<aside> 💡 I would like to discuss something important with you. I have been dealing with ____ for a while and I'd like to bring it to your attention.


<aside> 💡 It is something that has been bothering me for a while and I think it is best for me to discuss it with you in person.


<aside> 💡 I have been feeling quite uncomfortable with _______. I would like to notify you and get some advice from you if possible.


Say no to your boss or colleagues

Steps to take:

  1. Acknowledge
  2. Evidence
  3. Reinforce or renegociate

Boss: We have some projects on my plate and need you to step up, could you take on an extra projects now?


  1. Thank you so much for thinking about me to take on the projects.
  2. Just to update you on a few things that I am working on...I am working on projects X and Y.
  3. Would you like me to reprioritize the list in order to take on a new project?