Elon Musk 可說是全世界影響力最高的商業領袖之一 ,他也可以一手改變虛擬貨幣的價值也可以改變外太空旅行的前景。但我們今天有來聊一聊他"演講跟溝通“的技巧。


We spoke about Apple, Steve Jobs. We spoke about Microsoft. Now it is time to talk about Elon Musk. He recently announced Dojo, AI bot, who can perhaps replace human labor or do the task that no one wants to do.


1. Based on all of the presentations he has conducted, is Elon Musk a good presenter?

2. Steve Jobs vs. Elon Musk

Steve Jobs overstates and Elon Musk understates

Steve Jobs loves to use words that are superlative. Let's take a look at his 2007 presentation transcript.


Whereas Elon Musk, you can hear a lot of this in his presentations: