當有人問你,How are you? 或者 How was your weekend? 你會怎麼說呢? 有兩個我最常聽到的答案是 "Fine" "Nothing much". 但是呢,你會發現母語人士都會用一些不同的方式來形容很普通的事情。It's actually not about what you did, it's about how you tell the story.


每週一都會碰到的問題: How was your weekend?

如果你覺得自己的週末實在沒什麼可以說的,只想用 "Fine" 來帶過,那就太可惜了。


Start a story 講故事的開頭

It started off great but ended with...

Have you had ______ happen to you?

The craziest thing happened...

I wouldn't say it was __________, but...

As good as can be expected with ____________

Start a conversation 開啟會話題、問問題

I can't complain, I _____________ all weekend. Have you...?

I was just/stuck_____________, in fact, do you have any advice on...?

Didn't do much but I was thinking about _______. Do you have suggestions for...?