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Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace

Le livre

Première et quatrième de couverture


Résumé du livre

Evidence Explained is the definitive guide to the analysis and citation of historical sources. It begins with a simple question: Why do we invest so much of our energy into the citation of sources? and the intriguing answer: Because all sources are not created equal. Evidence Explained is built on this simple question and answer. According to the author, there are no historical resources we can trust at face value. Records simply offer evidence, and their assertions may or may not be true. To decide what likely happened, we must understand those records. To analyze that evidence and judge what to believe, we also need particular facts about those records.

Highlights: The revised second edition of Evidence Explained

If you are a researcher, you need this book. Consult it during your research to guide you in capturing all the information you will need. Use it as a guide to identify source types and guide you to other related records. Use it to evaluate digital and Internet sources. Make it your standard for citing sources and evaluating evidence in your day-to-day research.

Idées d'actions tirées de ma lecture du livre

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