
Today sectors are sealed and registered on chain via Pre-Commit and ProveCommit step and they become activated at the first WindowPoSt step.

If a CC sector is PreCommitted, but ProveCommit does not happen in time, its owner loses PCD.

If a CC sector is ProveCommitted, but WindowPoSt does not happen in time, the sector is marked as faulty and pays fault fee until recovered.


Create a market for inactive CC sectors. Sealers could be generating CC sectors and sell them to other Storage Providers without the risk of losing collateral.


Proposal 1

Remove PreCommitPenalty expiry: If a valid ProveCommit is never presented, PCD is locked and not reusable (so effectively similar to burned), if presented tokens are unlocked

With this proposal, CC sector sealers can generate sectors, PreCommit them on-chain, transfer/selling them to Storage Providers that can later add them ProveCommit them and then WindowPoSt.