<aside> 📢 Only valid since Release v0.1



This process is relevant to each SLICE distribution and is expected to happen on a monthly basis after the SLICE tokens are minted and before their Distribution.

It is the responsibility of veDOUGH holders to validate that their voting address is listed on the Merkle tree for the upcoming distribution if they believe they voted correctly.

Every month a new vote will be created on Snapshot with the following information:

Current Epoch Report (pie-reporter)

<aside> 💡 The timestamp determined the start and end of the epoch. It can be found within the pie-reporter files. If you want to translate the timestamp to a more friendly time and date format, please go to https://www.unixtimestamp.com/


Validate your Eligibility

1. Check your votes in the current epoch

  1. Go to the Snapshot GraphQL Editor

  2. Find and replace YOUR_ADDRESS_HERE with your voting address.

  3. Change created_gt timestamp.

  4. Change created_lt timestamp.

  5. Click the play button on the top left.

    Screenshot 2022-01-14 at 14.52.06.png

  6. If the query returns zero results, like shown below, you did not vote.

  "data": {
    "votes": []

<aside> 💡 Snapshot allows users to change votes until the vote is closed. Each time a user votes, the timestamp of the vote gets updated to the latest recording only 1 timestamp. That last timestamp will determine if you voted within certain epoch.
