Hi there! 🎉

Welcome to Penn Clubs, the University of Pennsylvania's official registry for student organizations on campus. The purpose of this guide is to walk you through the many different features that Penn Clubs can offer that will make your experience recruiting new members as easy as possible.

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📅 REQUIRED: Editing Your SAC Fair "Booth"

You will need to add a Zoom link to your club's SAC Fair event. Once you navigate to your club on pennclubs.com, click the green "Manage Club" button on the top-right corner of the page. If you do not see this button, it means you are not an officer of the club. Either ask an officer listed on your club to add you to the site through the "Membership" tab of the "Manage Club" page, or email [email protected] with your Penn email and club name to be added as an officer.


Click the "Events" tab:


There will be an existing event with your designated date & time titled "SAC Fair Info Session". Click "Edit".


Edit the club details: you MUST provide a Zoom link (preferably from your school Zoom account) where prospective students can navigate to for your info session. You can add a description, as well as upload a cover image (16:9 dimensions preferred) to make your event stand out in the live events portal. Be sure to hit the green "save" button on the lefthand side when you are done!


And that's it! Your club's event will show up in the portal during the live, virtual SAC Fair on the day you were assigned.

📷 Zoom Best Practices

To get all possible features, please use an account using the school's licensed Zoom accounts. You should have received an email from your home school about obtaining login credentials for this.

Schedule a new meeting, using the given date and time as outlined in the e-mail given to you by SAC with these settings:

When hosting your event: