Reinvent: Life, Work & Action Beyond The Default Path

tl;dr: This is the working draft of the motivation for the course, the target audience, my competitive advantage, the proposed launch & pricing structure ($149 before August 31st), the creation schedule & working curriculum

Update 8/30: Shift focus to helping people launch & create something as output of project.

<aside> 👉 GOAL: This course will help you you to create courageously, find your tribe, increase your adaptability to change, help you take action and reimagine your relationship with work


🎯 Work has become the center of life

Watch the video here

Watch the video here

It dictates where we live, how we spend our days, when we take time off and who we spend time with. Deep down, many people are uncomfortable with this, but don't know how to do it any differently.

REINVENT is a course designed to help untangle the puzzle of hacking a living in the modern world. It is not a quick fix but instead an exploration of what matters to you, what you are drawn to create, how you want to engage with the world and how to practically make shifts in your life.

While this course will "launch" on October 1st, it will be a continued work in progress. My vision for this course is to build a community of people that want to reimagine their relationship with work and help others along the way. I will continue adding to this course as I continue to learn through my own journey and respond to what the community is asking for.

Updated Course Positioning (Aug 31st)

Orient around enabling someone to launch a crazy idea + pair it with someone who wants to grapple with doing so "off the default path"

Outcome of course: Help people move something "from idea to launch" in 5-weeks. Examples:

🔉 🎥 📊 💻 Curated & Synthesized Big Ideas