<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a274e96c-ca3f-429b-a020-137a14c95816/Avatar_-_P00LS_-_Colorway_B.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a274e96c-ca3f-429b-a020-137a14c95816/Avatar_-_P00LS_-_Colorway_B.png" width="40px" /> What is Airdrop?

Airdropping tokens into your wallet is the act of putting the tokens you’ve received on the P00LS platform into your own personal digital wallet.

If you don’t have any tokens yet, go get some here, or keep up with creators to take advantage of the tokens they distribute.

If you don’t have a digital wallet yet, find the tutorial below.


Tutorial - Airdrop Tokens

Not sure how to get the tokens you have on P00LS into your wallet? We’ve got you covered! Check out our video tutorial here, along with step-by-step blog posts in French and English.


Please Note: There may be a delay (~1HR) between the moment you have earned tokens from a drop and the moment when your tokens show up in the wallet under “Earned”.

There may be a delay (~30mins) between when minted tokens shows up to earned vs when they show up to Read for Allocation

There may be a delay (~1HR) after users transfer tokens to their blockchain wallet using Airdrop to when we actually show the tokens in “Claimed” in the p00ls wallet

Tutorial - Set Up Your Wallet

Not sure how to set up your wallet? We’ve got you covered! Scroll through the presentation below or click the wallet set up link below to learn more.

Wallet Setup

