OriGen AI, Inc. is a research technology company providing artificial intelligence based simulation and optimization technology to the global energy industry, specifically through an approach that simulate the representative differential equations inherent within physical systems. OriGen has reimagined simulation, cutting simulation time from hours to seconds, with pinpoint accuracy, and a dramatic reduction to cloud computing costs. We're always looking for talented humans who are interested in building the future alongside us.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/99d952e8-3f7f-47d9-9c81-6dc5a58f384e/OriGen_Logo_6cT.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/99d952e8-3f7f-47d9-9c81-6dc5a58f384e/OriGen_Logo_6cT.png" width="40px" /> "To revolutionize physical simulation and optimization through artificial intelligence."


Today's energy industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Efficient deployment of capital, mitigation of risk, and optimization of assets are mission critical within this shifting landscape. Beyond this, the social contract is evolving, and demands modern technologies.

Meeting these challenges is a monumental undertaking, and will require state of the art simulation and optimization in multiple areas. With OriGen.AI's robust platform, we are well positioned to tackle the toughest challenges in the energy industry.

Open Positions

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