
At Optimist, designers work in a collaborative workflow to craft some of the best content on the internet.

They are the visual experts and charged with helping to define, shape, and evolve the visual communication style for all of the content that we create.

Designers work collaboratively — but with autonomy over their work.

They are seen as equal collaborators in our content creation process and work directly with the writers, design directors, and clients.

This role has 4 key elements:

  1. Information design
  2. Data visualization
  3. Illustration
  4. Collaboration

Information Design

One of the most central roles played by designers at Optimist is information design.

Our content often explains and distills complex topics for readers, which means that visual assets are often the key to comprehension.

The ideal designer is able to take concepts, direction, or bullet points and translate them into visual assets that aid the reader's comprehension of the topic.

This might include: