My name is Tem and I run

This is a slide-by-slide breakdown for a presentation that I have put together for Techstars NYC 2020 cohort.

It covers a few things about Notion for startups in a Notion doc — meta, I know.

<aside> ❗ Resize the Figma embed by clicking on the window and pressing Z


<aside> 💡 Navigate the page with the outline and ⇪ buttons




👋 Introduction


⚡ About me

→ and that became my expertise: ability increase organizational productivity with the right set of digital tools and strategies

🖋️ Outline

six things to cover today

  1. what's the notion about notion?
  2. notion's differentiation to an ocean of other tools, which you probably tried / use
  3. notion's fit to this specific demographic
  4. the three things that make the company special
  5. the timing to adopt the product
  6. how i use notion

🖤 What is Notion

Like an piece of paper, it starts blank. There is no hierarchy, structure. You get to create one.

Notion can be anything

That's software freedom that consumers are generally not used to, so hi, i'm here to help.

the simplest use case is documentation and writing.

On this slide, you see a blog post that I've written about Notion on which this talk is based.

Notion will be everything

I use Notion for organizing:

  1. Organizations and people
  2. Projects and tasks
  3. Events and meetings
  4. Website assets
  5. Proposals
  6. Client portals

And as of August 4, 2020 using it for presentation outlines...and more!