<aside> 🌿 Website: OpenCann.net Marketplace & Community Dashboard


<aside> đź’ˇ This content was largely compiled from:

Steps to be taken:

  1. Build a library of attestation schemas for OpenCann (tripartite DAO governed data marketplace encompassing data, algorithm, and impact markets).
  2. Build BOS frontend components to enable non-technical users to interact with the Hyperfiles knowledge graph
    1. Create: publish a Hyperfile (dataset, algorithm, or impact certificate)
    2. Explore/Query: sort/filter and text search to find data, algorithms, and impact certificates (three separate marketplaces on the frontend but the graphs are linked via references specified during object creation/update)
    3. Run: run a job, use an algorithm to transform existing data into new object(s), output can be fed to the create component after job is completed to create new objects
  3. Build GraphQL API and Javascript SDK to enable technical users to easily integrate the OpenCann-Hyperfiles knowledge graph into other apps.
    1. Deploy adapter

    2. create(fileformat, source, adapter path, content)

      If fileformat = fileformat, create type;

      Else, create thing;

    3. Query/Explore: Near Query API and social API (social.index)

    4. Run: “the Hyperfiles compiler”

      1. “reads the files, analyzes the code, and translates it into a format suitable for the target platform” [Source]
      2. “converts the source code to the object code. It performs various phases of analysis, such as lexical, syntactic, semantic, and code optimization. It can also translate the code from one language to another or generate executable files.” [Source]
      3. can we use chain signatures to initiate complex actions (e.g. time or variable-dependent conditional logic and multi-step actions) on other chains via a combination of user-selected data and algorithms (toolConfigs)?
  4. Build enhanced query features for hypothesis testing, interpreting evidence, and evaluation of truth.
    1. Add network statistics to sort/filter parameters and enable the option to view distributions for selected nodes and/or edges.
    2. Network visualization via force directed layouts


Tool Config: specifies a docker container instance and parameters to run a job

  1. hyperfiles.near/type/plex.config
    1. hyperfiles.near/type/plex.config.io

IO File: specifies the input data, output file path, and tool config for a specific job

  1. hyperfiles.near/type/plex.io
    1. hyperfiles.near/type/plex.data
    2. hyperfiles.near/type/plex.tool

