Your digital home with an endless common garden.

A visual interface for web 3.0

To connect

To explore

To learn

To build

To play


Our feeds - are feeding us lies

Our attention - a commodity

Our data - fuel for manipulation

Our understanding - temporary

Our dreams - individual

Our feeds should be our gardens

Our attention should be directed

Our data should be our own

Our understanding should be nurtured

Our dreams should be collective

We are consumers when we should be curators. Do the work once. Be the great filter of the world.

Visual, Creative and Natural

Imagine a digital environment splayed out around you. Everything you're involved in, clear and accessible. Links, Projects, Ideas, People. Tied to colour, movement and size to give you a holistic view of your world.

A dashboard of navigation for you or those your connected with. See your online life in a coherent view. How it grows and combines. Your evolution through the dance of community and content.

A playground of creativity. Exploratory and game-like. Overlaid on the physical world we know. Giving us a place to design, build and come back to.

Integrated with video chat, embedded gifs, videos and images for visual and social customisation. Bringing together the embodiment of the real through overlaid maps into the playground. We paste over the old world.

Simplistic, Social and Fluid

Save the things that mean something to you. Curate a garden of inspiration, connections, ideas and information for your reference. Share spaces to curate collaboratively.

Easily added and organised with guidance. Referenced easily so you can see how the puzzle of your ideas and ambitions come to life.

Private by design. Your collections and connections open up from the trust with build with others. Here we own our identities so you can know your safe.

Social by nature. Replicating our natural synchronicities into the digital, this space is open to the needs and ambitions of everyone your connected with. Enabling you to help them in their journey. Staying together where they can one day help you in turn.

Modular, Open and Decentralised

This arena acts as a visualisation for everything your involved in. Find and create your spaces through dropping links and weaving into other projects and people.

Interoperability is central. Fundamental blocks drawing info from the source of links, your garden becomes a water feature. Network hosted, focused on being dynamic and connectable to other the wider landscape making use of every insight.

An arena open to all. Common spaces can be curated with others and collections can be shared to those outside the network with ease. Creating a 3 layer system of 3D into 2D into common interface sets the base for new potential in augmented and virtual realities, tying them into the tech we use every day.

Built from data ownership and network reputation, backed up by blockchain.

Find what you never knew you were looking for.

Find the projects that matter. Find the others.