This page contains information on how to document your research. Most of our research (data collection and analysis) will be done in an external research tool because of transcripting and tagging, but it is important that we document our findings for colleagues outside of the research team and make it clear where it came from.

Organisation of your research

UXR Repo

The research board contains an overview of our research projects. In there we indicate which project is being worked on and which ones are just plans. The people involved are also tagged here. Most importantly the research plan (at the start of a project) and then the outcomes document (at the end of a project) are shared here. These are the most important docments for others to have insights in.

Research plan Template

The research plan template is used to build a research plan. This gives insight into the people involved, the research method, hypotheses (assumptions) to be researched, the deliverables and if needed, a budget indication.

UX Research Templates

In Templates you can find any template for a research method. This makes it easier to setup the research while performing it. Think card sorting templates, user interview protocols etc.

Research outcome Template

This template is used when finalising your research and presenting your findings and will be linked in the research board. Others can refer back to this document when performing new research.

Research requests

Research requests can be collected in this page in Notion. For example when you receive thoughts from clients about the product or when you see something during a clinic visit. These requests will then be added to the request database in Notion, and then checked by the design leadership and head of product to decide which research to prioritise. When the request gets approved it will be moved to the research board mentioned above by the UX Research Team.

🕊 Dovetail