NYMLAB creates decentralised solutions to empower people socially and financially in a legal and privacy-protecting environment.

We build products to empower hard working individuals, with limited time and resources, to securely control their assets & identity, safely beat inflation and send money home cheaply, regardless of where home is.

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No matter the role, you will be working to bring together cutting edge technologies and expertise that will have a long lasting impact in the technology, finance, regulatory and social landscape.

Some of the core innovations that we work with:

For more on our products, please visit our website.

❤️ Our Culture

We value talent, creativity and integrity, we trust each other to decide where we work best, what to spend time on and our abilities to learn from a wide range of knowledge domains needed to deliver our mission to the communities we serve.

We are an emerging, vibrant company made up of motivated and diverse individuals from different industries, training and backgrounds. We are remote / decentralised with fluid and minimal hierarchy. Whilst being remote is nice, we do have in person gatherings (held in - Berlin / Milan / London / Hong Kong. More to come 🌍). It is also important that we can have interactions both synchronously and asynchronously and we are all online for a few hours overlapping with CET.

NYMLAB operates under a partnership structure, no matter the role or the contribution to product(s), as a potential partner, you will be able to share the learnings and success of the efforts from the company.

We do encourage that you read the Introduction to NYMLAB post for more details.

💼 Open Positions

Open Positions

📕 Application Process

Please send the following to [email protected]