Updated over a week ago

Click Here to create your Activity Listing and remember to bookmark the link for future reference**.**

Remember: Nyah activities should be unbiased, inclusive of all members, and intentionally designed to represent diverse viewpoints fairly and accurately. You are encouraged to read more about our activity content policy prior to submitting your activity. Be sure to follow these guidelines to have your activities approved in a timely manner.

Introduction to Activity Listing in Nyah

Elements of an Activity Listing: The Basics

These elements are what a member or learner will first see when they discover your activity in Nyah.

Activity Name or Title

It is important that the title (activity name) is descriptive and representative of what your activity will be covering. It is okay to include a catchy phrase to help your listing stand out, but the title should not be sensationalized and should clearly outline the nature/intent/subject matter of your activity. Activity titles should be in title case (eg. "Creative Writing: Short Stories”). Titles should not be in all uppercase, should not have excessive punctuation, and should not contain excessive emojis, alternative fonts, coupon codes or other objectionable references. Your title should not refer to the target age range, pricing, or length of the class. The only exception is if you are offering the same class to multiple age ranges, in which case the title can distinguish between age ranges e.g. "Introduction to Creative Visualization (For Ages 10-13)."

Activity Cover Image

Choose an image that is engaging, age-appropriate and at least 600 pixels wide. Make sure you have permission to use your image (no copyrighted or watermarked images are acceptable). Do note that images that are less than 20% text will perform better in our Social ads, so we recommend keeping words to a minimum.

Intro Video

Although this is optional, it is highly recommended section of your activity listing. You may record a 60 sec. video designed for families and/or for learners providing a brief overview of your activity. You may create an Unlisted YouTube video and share the URL when you create activity.


Your activity description should be a brief summary describing the activity and preferably under 500 characters. The summary should be clear and descriptive rather than an ad/teaser and should not be spammed with keywords, coupon codes, emojis. Instead, think of this section as a 1 or 2 sentence activity description (like an elevator pitch). An adult-facing summary is required; a learner-facing summary, written in an age-appropriate tone and style, is recommended.


If your activity requires a lot of attention to individual participants, we recommend small capacity for a more individualized learning experience, especially for students and young learners. Live classes are generally capped at 24 learners, and Groups have no cap for the number of learners that can enroll. We recommend the following class size guidelines for live classes: