The Twelve Holy Nights: The blueprint for the coming year, and an introduction to rest, stillness and receptivity — with Louis Bijl de Vroe and Simon Ohler

Louis Bijl de Vroe and Simon Ohler are philosophers and brothers in spirit. When we get together, we combine culture, comedy, and ancient wisdom, and something happens. We like to call it Spiritual Mischief. In the vein of Spiritual Mischief, we create podcasts and education programs.

After the magic of Life and Work in the Rhythm of the Seasons, where we showed you how to follow the energy of the seasons and months throughout the year, we are now bringing you The Twelve Holy Nights, a timeless way to enjoy the most silent time of the year and to make lasting “new year’s resolutions”.

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After every time we breathe out, there is a static phase, a moment of stillness. The year knows this as well, and presents us with a static phase from December 25 to January 6.

Before that (and after), there is the expansion phase, the in-breath, from January to June. And from July to December, the year contracts and deflates. It breathes out its energy. From Christmas onwards the world begins to rest and holds still, until January 6.

These are the Twelve Holy Nights. They are a time of rest, renewal and replenishment. Each night has its own theme and corresponds with one month of the new year. By engaging in contemplation and reflection on each night, we can synchronize with this most silent time of the year.

In this time, it seems like nothing happens, except for eating, sleeping and (hopefully) joyful times with our loved ones. And yet, under the surface, these days of quiet begin to weave the yet unborn blueprint, which will take form in the approaching new year.

If we peer below the surface, these days can serve us, by bringing us into conversation with ourselves, and showing us how we may want to live in the new year.

This is the true way to form a “new year’s resolution”. Instead of making short-lived plans, we sink into deep stillness and learn to receive the energy of the new year. By opening ourselves up and receiving, instead of making or doing, we tap into the true energy of this time of the year, and magical insights may unfold through us.

We invite you to accompany us on our journey through the Holy Nights. Let’s allow ourselves to have a beautiful 2023!