Requires a documented sign-off to use. Classified as a Red Tool under the minor policy Not covered in FDM101

General Printer Info

NovaLabs - XL Signoff Process PPT

The Prusa XL is a true Multimaterial printer, at this time we have brass nozzles so it is not acceptable for filled filaments, and may only be used for PLA/PETG/TPU.

Build Sheets

Not all plastics stick to print surfaces identically. To deal with this the Prusa XL uses flexible build sheets.

We are currently using a Satin and a textured sheet on the Prusa XL


You can find the more details recommendations from Prusa for Material / Build Sheet at this link to their website.

Note: We do not allow makers to use glue-sticks on the shared NovaLabs build sheets.

Printer Operation

The Prusa Handbook is fantastic and offers more details than we will cover here.
