Strong brands are built on strong design.

Setting that foundation requires consistency — your design team must operate using consistent tools, whether it’s a set of process documents, fonts, logos, or HTML color codes. Like a fingerprint, these assets should be the same everywhere your brand touches.

A wiki is your design team’s workshop. Yes, it’s a place for all the tools your team needs to do excellent work. But it’s also a place to initiate new team members into how you work. It’s a place to archive past explorations, iterations and decisions. It’s the fulcrum between design and every other team at the company.

Here, we’ll walk you through building your own design wiki in Notion (you might call it a knowledge base), and how it can unlock a better workflow for your team.

In this piece, you'll learn

Here's just one example of what your finished product could look like:

Here's why your design team

needs a wiki

Design work is a symphony of many instruments. The right typography. The right image. The right color (for the record, it’s #030303, not #00000). If these assets are scattered around different apps or software, your team lacks a central source of truth, turning beautiful music into dissonant noise.

Your design team deserves one reliable resource for:

No wiki means inconsistent work — and when design work gets inconsistent, you end up diluting the brand you’ve worked so hard to build. But it’s not just the brand that suffers. Process suffers. You’ve established a system that works for you and your team, and if it’s not documented and accessible, that process won't get followed. At best, this slows everything down. At worst, it creates costly chaos.

One hub for everything creates a culture of self-service, allowing the product team or the marketing team to access things they’d typically have to ask a designer for. Imagine how much time you’d save if someone from sales could pop into your wiki and quickly find the correct logo they need for a pitch deck.

A design wiki isn’t just important for your team. It’s important for the entire company.