NFTs for business growth!

The Niftyz platform empowers businesses to boost their growth, by tokening and monetizing their growth, achievements, content, members and more, by using NFTs to lock and distribute their most precious information and assets to the most wanted audience.

The Niftyz Difference

Digital Identity

A decentralized Business Identity, linked to a Web3 wallet address can solve several problems - from identity verification, to reputation management. Thanks to Niftyz, rather than sharing multiple links with your users, businesses can now share their verified on-chain business identity. This prevents malevolent actors from sharing unverified business information.


The Niftyz universe has a growth-driven economy where registered users can turn their growth assets into liquid and tradable NFTs to fuel their development process; increase members’ loyalty; and create additional revenue streams.

Users of the Niftyz marketplace can either buy, sell, or trade this information and contribute to the businesses’ growth and development.

Real NFT Utility

To get access to Niftyz Premium benefits, users purchase a Niftyz Premium Account NFT. This NFT grants the holder access to the Niftyz platform, premium discord channels and other perks. Once on the platform, the user will be able to create their Niftyz badge, this contains the users business identity.

  1. Niftyz Premium Account (Your premium membership NFT)

niftyz og account badge.png

  1. After purchasing your Niftyz Premium Account, the user create their personalised Niftyz badge