<aside> <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/YouTube_full-color_icon_(2017).svg/2560px-YouTube_full-color_icon_(2017).svg.png" alt="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/YouTube_full-color_icon_(2017).svg/2560px-YouTube_full-color_icon_(2017).svg.png" width="40px" /> $\textsf{\textbf{The Video}}$



You can find a blog post with a better explanation here.

<aside> πŸ“„ $\textsf{\textbf{The Article}}$


Notion Progress Bars (Free Template) - Never Productive

<aside> ❓ $\textsf{\textbf{Got Questions?}}$ Here are the ones I’ve heard the most often.


Progress Bars

Precise Progress Bars

Here’s the formula. Notice the underlined 1’s β€” if the emoji you picked are not displaying correctly β€” try increasing this number. There are two of them, so play around until the whole thing displays the correct progress bar.

format(slice("βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…", 0, floor(prop("Progress") * 10) * **1**) + if(empty(prop("Progress")), "❌", if(prop("Progress") == 0, "❌", if(mod(prop("Progress") * 100, 10) == 0, "", if(mod(prop("Progress") * 100, 10) >= 5, "〰️", "❌")))) + format(slice("❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌", 0, floor(10 - prop("Progress") * 10) * **1**) + " " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%"))