
Q. Tell us about the best art assignment you've ever set? What did your students learn from completing the assignment? How did they learn what they learned?

The learning assignment for the commons course is:

1 x 4,000 word (100%) Commons Essay or Practice-based report

Option 1: Commons Essay

With reference to at least one commons project which relates to contemporary art (curatorial project, exhibition or artwork), research, analyse and discuss how these works relate to theoretical concerns studied on this course.

Option 2: Practice Report

With reference to a commons project you have undertaken during this course which relates to contemporary art (curatorial project, exhibition or artwork), research, analyse and discuss how your practice relates to theoretical concerns studied on this course.

The purpose of this assessment is to ascertain whether or not students have met the three key Learning Outcomes for the course. Learning Outcomes allow us to put a grade on a student’s current progress.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Critically analyse aspects of commons as a mode of study and practice.
  2. Critically reflect on the concept of the commons in written form.
  3. Demonstrate engagement with a wide range of relevant literature relating to the commons, to build your own nuanced response to practice or research in written form.

The kinds of submissions I have had on this course were diverse, because they are intended to take information from themes and readings within the course itself and then reflect on it through a form of artistic practice or research.

The Art Historians and MAFA students wrote about

The Artists on the course used their own practice and wrote about