
pricing shaping

First user feedback

Text management

The problems

As confirmed by the 2021 dev survey, most of the apps being built with MUI components are categorized as dashboard and enterprise apps. These kinds of products tend to use charts in all kinds of manners (as confirmed in some user interviews), so there’s an opportunity for us to bring more value to our customers, and drive a bigger share of our core components users to MUI X and furthermore to our MUI X Pro plan.

More precise pain points seen:

Paid libraries


  1. Basic charts To address the pain of users who want basic charts but desire to keep aesthetic consistency and/or don’t want to add a new dependency to the project. The use cases are fairly simple such as line and bar charts.
  2. Advanced charts Advanced charts are those that cover more advanced use cases than a standard set of charts (line, bar, pie, area, scatter). For example spider diagrams, financial charts, funnel, gauge, heatmap, Gantt, Sankey, etc. It can be tricky to go for this approach alone since our initial versions will most likely not be able to compete with the solid solutions already on the market. So it might make sense to focus on building a solution that can be integrated with our data grid, following as the next proposal
  3. Data Grid Integration
    1. as a Column Component
    2. Closely integrated with our own standalone charts. Where the users can change the chart render by filtering, adding/removing columns, and other operations on the grid (maybe grouping as well?). Something on the lines of ag-grid user created charts or highcharts editor.
    3. Build a flexible integration with charts solutions already on the market and postpone the creation of our own component.