Dear Motion Chrome extension user,

We’ve launched our desktop app! You can download the desktop app at

The desktop app has been a top 3 user request for years. We believe the desktop app is a strictly superior experience than the Chrome extension. The value of the Chrome extension was so that one can access Motion’s features right from any browser page. The desktop app can do exactly that, except instead of browser-only, it’s the entire computer.

Unfortunately, we are no longer capable of maintaining the Chrome extension given our small team size. We’ve decided to focus our engineering resources on building and maintaining a great desktop app (and a completely revamped mobile app soon). It saddens us to sunset the Chrome extension, but we hope the desktop app will be able to serve you better. We’ll continue to significantly improve and iterate on the desktop app from here - we’d love to hear your feedback on how we can make it better. The Motion Chrome extension will be officially sunsetted on Tuesday Feb 14, 2023.


The team at Motion