
Step 1: Setting Mo Up as a Provider

Step 1:

You will be required to set 'Mo' up as a custom SAML application with your single sign on provider. You can use the logo below to add to our app listing. Please see the Entity ID and Consume Links you’ll need, <short-name> will be your company name unless otherwise informed by your Mo implementation contact.

Entity ID URL and SAML audience:**<short-name>**/metadata

Consume Link, Consumer URL or ACS URL, also to be listed as the SAML recipient:**<short-name>**/consume

Mo - Logo - Bright Crimson.png

Step 2: Defining User Attributes & Claims

User Attribute Mappings: The core user attributes we receive are:

You can rename the attributes as above, or inform us of the exact naming convention, so we can amend the mappings accordingly on our end. Alternatively, we should be able to pull the 'names' you defined from your metadata, or during testing.

Step 3: Providing us with required Metadata

Once you have set up Mo as a provider please provide a copy of your federation metadata file, in XML format to Mo. This can be sent via email or uploaded to your Customer Portal, shared with you by your account manager. This file should also include your certificate.

This file will should contain all the information we need to add you as an SSO Service provider for Mo. We will aim to review your file, set-up and confirm next steps to you within 3-5 working days of receiving your Metadata.

Step 4: We complete your provider setup

Once we have your Metadata, we'll complete your setup as a provider our side, and the the metadata and consume links we have shared in Step 1 will become operational and we’ll be ready for testing!