Our KEE2 SDK packages a fully fledged mobile keyboard with monetization capabilities that can be integrated into existing Android apps.

Minimum Requirements

The keyboard SDK requires Android API level 23 (M) or above to work.


The latest version of the SDK is:

implementation 'com.mocha:keyboard-sdk:1.2.1'

<aside> 💡 Tip: After upgrading to a new release of the keyboard SDK perform a rebuild of the project to ensure that the newest version of the keyboard SDK is used before running the project.


Integration & Setup

This section describes the process of integrating the keyboard SDK into your app.


1. Add Java 8 compatibility to your build.gradle.

This is required for the Mocha SDK and Keyboard SDK and for the project to build.

	android {
		compileOptions {
			sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
			targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

2. Add the SDK to your project

  1. Define the repository at the top of the app build.gradle file, e.g.:

    repositories {
         maven {
             credentials {
                 username nexusUsername
                 password nexusPassword
             url "<https://repo.mocha.global/repository/maven-public/>"