Brand Suggestion

Detail of our search engine and search API, providing brand suggestion, product suggestion, other content types such as videos, gifs and quizzes as well as an overview of the auto-optimising features.

Link Monetisation

How to use our API to monetise your existing click traffic.


An API that will return monetised links to brands which are dynamically optimised, picking the ideal brands and creatives for best revenue performance in your App or Website.

HTML Widgets

Drop in HTML5 components to easily and quickly add sponsored links and brand quick links to a page.

Link Bidding (RTB)

All the details about our real-time bidding platform and integration. This includes both domain and keyword based bidding, intent recognition and our hybrid search and bid platform which allows you to receive context relevant bids.

Push Notifications

Request push notifications to display either on App on Desktop.

Reporting API

Keyboard Reporting

Our APIs provide granular reporting data, with breakdowns by campaign, date, sub-id, domain