
The mlr logos are stored at the following locations:

Build instructions

With the start of v2.13 we switched from mkdocs to pkgdown. With this change, all source files are now located in this repo under vignettes/tutorial.

Modification of a tutorial section

If you want to modify/add a tutorial section, please follow these steps:

Rendering the tutorial locally

If you want to view the complete pkgdown site locally, run pkgdown::build_site(lazy = TRUE). You don't have to render the complete site every time you change one tutorial. The lazy = TRUE argument ensures that only pages are rebuilt that have changed. Also, if you have built the whole site once, you can just build the vignettes again by using build_articles(lazy = TRUE). More specific, if you are working on one vignette, you can run build_article("tutorial/devel/<vignette-name>"). You do not need to pass the .Rmd extension when using build_article().