What is our brand?

Put simply, our “brand” is what people think of when they hear our name. It is everything the public thinks it knows about us — both factual and emotional. Our brand is not our logo or our graphic design. This means our brand cannot be created or maintained by just one individual or team.

Our goal is to resource our team with the tools needed to easily and consistently reinforce our brand. We’ve worked hard to keep these guidelines to a practical and useful minimum. Our goal is not conformity, but to identify what “we” sounds like and then clearly communicate it to who speaks on behalf of Mill City Church. Our group commitment to these guidelines demonstrates how we care about the details.

At Mill City Church, our style and language is representative of our faith and how we see Jesus in our lives. We are bold, focused, action-oriented, energetic and celebratory in everything we do – from our worship and preaching to our design and copywriting. Our brand is Easter, not Good Friday.

We Are

Passionate, Clear, Vibrant, Welcoming, Charming, Inviting, Simple

We Are Not

Jerks, Passive, Busy, Dull, “Churchy”


Style Guide
