

Provide a safe space where:

This community will be limited to a single stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, and React.

What makes Let’s Get Technical unique?

LGT is a crossover between other community Discords and StackOverflow. The goal will be high-quality technical discussion and answers, like StackOverflow, but more friendly and community-driven. There aren’t a lot of Discords that explicitly focus on improving people’s technical ability.

The primary focus of the community will be to receive technical help, specifically:

  1. You don’t know how to do something
  2. You know how to do something but you don’t know what the best way to do it is

Lots of technical communities also welcome questions from all sorts of technical stacks. That won’t be LGT’s purpose for some time. The purpose of aligning around a single stack is so ideally every single person in the community can understand what’s being asked and answered, and has the chance to participate in discussion.


This will be a closed community for now until we figure out how to keep the quality high. We’ll be sending out invites to a handful of people whose quality of work ethic and work we’ve witnessed somehow, either publicly or some other way.

Once we feel the model makes sense, we’ll open it up more broadly.

Your commitment

As a mentee

  1. Ask good questions. Asking good questions is a fundamental skill for any level of engineer. If you have trouble asking good questions, we’ll help you learn. But you’ll commit to learning if you want to be part of the community.
  2. Be respectful. Show respect to all members of the community, including your mentors and peers, regardless of their background, experience, or viewpoints.
  3. Be open to feedback. Be open to feedback and criticism from your mentors and peers, and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve.