This document provides a deeper look into Metaverse 7’s research and product development. We are working towards launching a groundbreaking product!! Please also refer to the Whitepaper for additional information.


This is the first version released by the Metaverse 7 team. It may be subject to change and should not be regarded as binding in nature.


We aspire to be a cutting-edge organization dedicated to enriching the lives of young people, helping them develop into resilient, self-aware and emotionally intelligent individuals who are conscious of the fast-changing world. Metaverse7 offers an immersive, interactive and engaging experience that aims to provide them with the life skills needed to succeed in the 21st century.

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Fundamental Foundations - Knowledge, Intelligence & Social Good

Key features of the Metaverse7 platform:

Collective Intelligence & Human Capital Collective intelligence (CI) is shared, or group, intelligence that emerges from the collective efforts of many individuals and will be demonstrated through consensus decision-making, collaboration, and innovation.

Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health that people invest in and accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their potential. Core themes of education (knowledge exchange, information access and self-exploration) and community (the foundations of economic and social development) are woven into the Metaverse7 experience.

The Metaverse7 platform strives to accelerate human capital and collective intelligence through: