처음 훈련시 필수로 시청해주세요.


1) 반복해서 영상을 보며 표현의 뜻과 의미를 상황 속에서 이해 [ 3 회 반복 시청 ]

2) 쉐도잉 미션 수행 후 녹음파일 공유

( 대본 읽고 녹음하기 )

There's gonna be a couple of interviews today, Ben.

We wanna make sure that we both find the right fit.

Business as usual is not really our motto, so we hope you have some fun here.

This is the first time we are hiring senior interns,

so some of our intern questions may not exactly fit your profile,

but we're gonna go for it anyway, okay?

Fire away.

Where'd you go to school?

I went to Northwestern.

Hey, my brother went to Northwestern.

Probably not at the same time.