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About Community Led Growth

What’s Community Led Growth?

Online marketing is a fast evolving science. The way companies grow their business and find new customers online has changed radically over the last few years.

Content was King đź‘‘

Inbound marketing has been the go-to growth strategy for most B2B companies over the last decade. Generating leads through highly personalised content proved to be the most cost effective way to grow a business online. And yet paid marketing managed to kill the game, and force companies to produce massive content to keep up. At the cost of content quality.

Product became Central 🎯

So companies have set out to design self selling products: Netflix, Slack, Notion… are compelling examples of successful Product Led Growth (PLG) strategies. As they started levelling the playing field, it became harder to design a product that stood out, and the maturity of digital markets meant that any product could easily be replicated. That’s when Community came into play.

Community is about to come first 🏆

Building a community on top of a business has emerged as a new and powerful revenue acquisition play, for three mains reasons

Why does Community-Led Growth matter to my business?

As companies and brands, we are always looking at ways to deliver messages to our prospects. In fact, a message is a lot more powerful when not delivered by the brand itself. Not all companies master the art of influencing marketing, but any company can build a group of enthusiasts sharing common interests (aka, a community!).

Creators, web 3.0, DAOs, productivity tools… all these verticals are putting Communities at the core of their DNA. And that’s just the beginning, because communities are starting to emerge as the #1 competitive edge for successful companies: very powerful, and almost impossible to copy!

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Juliette Mopin, ISAI.