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3 November 2020

📅 Chrome Calendar Extension

Meetric users who access their calendar in the Chrome browser, can now access their meeting in Meetric with a single click, and start taking notes! Simply install the Meetric extension from the Chrome Web Store and it will overlay on your calendar by default. Just click the Meetric icon on any event to access the meeting in Meetric. And from there you can join the video call!

Note that this icon will show for any event in your calendar, but only Meetric-supported calendars will load (currently your primary calendar, but shortly we will also support additional calendars).

🧭 Navigate to your next Meeting

Got back to back meetings? Now you can move straight from one meeting to another in Meetric, with simple navigation controls. The All meetings link conveniently takes you back to your meeting list.

Note that these controls are actually contextual to your search and filters! So if you have searched for a specific set of meetings on the meeting list page, these controls allow you to navigate between those, rather than the next or previous meeting based on the current day/time.