<aside> 👋 I've created this template for every student to use and adapt to their needs. It contains everything I think is important for being a productive and organized college student, but could absolutely work for high school students (or even earlier) as well! Staying organized is especially important in the world of Zoom classes, so stay consistent, study hard, and I hope this template helps you! Have a wonderful quarter, semester, or school year, and please stay healthy and safe. ✌️– Mayer Adelberg



← How to Use this Template

Frequently Asked Questions:

Calendar ↗︎ | Google Drive ↗︎ | Canvas ↗︎ | Launchpad ↗︎

<aside> 📗 Current Classes


Sample Class 101 - START HERE!

All Classes

To add a class in this section, first create the class within All Classes, then use "/linktopage" and type the name of the class (it won't appear immediately, you have to type the name of the class for it to show up).

Bill Pay ↗︎ | Rent Payment ↗︎

<aside> 🖇️ Quick Links


Roommate Space

College Budget

College PRM

Course Calendar Template

Use this section for each independent class, the use filtering features within each class to select only the course calendar you want to show. This is one major database of the two that are needed for this system.