Concept: our classic to-do app meets photos! An app to create to-do items / goals with photos to document and complete your accomplishments 📸.

Here is the Github repo containing the completed demo app for your reference.

Setup: just continue off of the basic app we created at the last meeting!

<aside> 🛠 To get the imports at the top of each file to be added automatically, follow the "Configuring Android Studio" step here. The imports will not be included in the code snippets below.


Step 1: MainActivity

First, let's set up the checklist with some fake items. To do this, we will be using a RecyclerView. Read this section first to get an overview of how RecyclerViews work: RecyclerView Lesson. Since this is the first screen when we open the app, we can use the existing MainActivity files.

Import App Icons

There are a few icons we will be using throughout this app. We will import all of them now, following the "Asset Studio" instructions in the Android Concepts lessons. They will all be size 24x24 (the default).

Create the Layout

In activity_main.xml, drag in a RecyclerView that fills up the entire screen. Name it itemsRecyclerView. The parent should be a ConstraintLayout by default.

Then, add a floating action button centered at the bottom of the screen. Name it addButton. It should use the 'add' icon we imported previously. It should be clickable and focusable.